Agentur für Haushaltshilfe


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103-jährige Kundin der Agentur für Haushaltshilfe begeistert mit Lebensfreude und Erinnerungen


Mrs. H. was born the same year that Einstein won the Nobel Prize. She is also the oldest customer of the domestic help agency. On her birthday, she told us about her best memories.



Oldest customer of the agency for household help

Paderborn, April 25, 2024 – Today, the agency for household help would like to introduce a special customer who inspires not only with her impressive age, but above all with her joy of life and memories: Mrs. H., a proud 103 years old. In the year Mrs. H. was born, Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

The agency for household help team leader in Paderborn, Natascha Flack, reports on a warm visit to Mrs. H., at which her everyday helper Claudia H. was also present. The two have been close friends for two years now. „At 103 years old, she has remained a modern, warm-hearted woman,“ says helper Claudia H. They exchanged ideas over coffee and cake while Mrs. H. talked about her life. Despite her limited hearing, she had a lot to say.


A Century of Memories

Mrs. H. remembered her children and her late husband. She spoke enthusiastically about her work in a dental laboratory, which she always enjoyed. She was particularly proud of having completed a swimming course at the age of over 60, even though she did not receive a „seahorse badge.“

A particular highlight was her love of travel: Mrs. H. told how she once traveled to Gdansk by train all alone to visit her husband. Her furthest holiday destination was Austria, but she admitted that she had never flown, although she would like to experience it one day. When Mrs. H. was born, passenger aviation was in its infancy.


Independent life as a centenarian

Despite her advanced age, Mrs. H. still lives alone in her rented apartment on the first floor, even though she can no longer leave the house. That is why she is grateful for the help from the domestic help agency with shopping, cleaning and cooking. She still feels quite well, is grateful for her health and only suffers from slight dizziness and hearing loss.

The Paderborn agency for household help team leader enthuses: „Ms. H. is a really lovely, sweet lady.“ The agency for household help is grateful to be able to support Ms. H. and looks forward to continuing to visit and look after her regularly.


Free household help

The Agency for Household Help is committed to enabling elderly, pregnant and sick people to live an independent life in their own four walls by offering free household help .

Their program includes services such as cleaning, shopping assistance and meal preparation aimed at providing an improved quality of life to people in need of assistance.

Through flexible schedules and individual support, the agency helps people with care needs to remain in their familiar environment while receiving support with everyday tasks. This relieves the burden not only on nursing staff but also on the family.

dazugehörige Kontaktpersonen

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Yasemin Ormankiran

Tel: 0213176010207
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Yasemin Ormankiran

Tel: 0213176010207


Die Agentur für Haushaltshilfe (AfH) wurde 2018 in Neuss gegründet und hat sich seither zu einem der größten Hauswirtschaftsdienste in Deutschland entwickelt. Ihr Fokus liegt auf der umfassenden Unterstützung von schwangeren, kranken und älteren Menschen im Haushalts und im täglichen Leben. Dabei arbeitet die AfH sowohl mit Pflegekassen, als auch auf ärztliche Verordnung hin.
Als führender Anbieter für hauswirtschaftliche Hilfe versteht sich die AfH als die ideale Ergänzung zur häuslichen Pflege. Ihr klares Ziel ist es, sicherzustellen, dass der Alltag möglichst vieler hilfebedürftiger Menschen erleichtert wird, damit sie dort leben können, wo sie sich am wohlsten fühlen – und das ist in ihrem Zuhause.